An ozone hole in the tropics (including Vietnam) has been active since the 1980s but was only recently discovered by Canadian scientists and published in the scientific journal AIP Advances.


Ozone depletion is a phenomenon that occurs only when the amount of ozone (O3) is lost more than 25% in the Earth’s atmosphere. This makes it easier for UV rays to penetrate the Earth’s surface and increases the risk of other health problems such as skin cancer, the formation of malignant cataracts, and weakened immunity.

Not only affecting humans, the above problem also leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem, reducing the growth and development of species. The main cause of this phenomenon is human activities. Specifically, the excessive release of chlorine and bromine from compounds such as CFCs, halons, etc. gases known as ODS – substances that deplete ozone in the atmosphere.

The main cause comes from human polluting activities.

These chlorine and bromine free radicals, when released, will react with the ozone molecule (which is inherently unstable) and destroy the molecular structure and balance of the ozone layer, thereby depleting and perforating the ozone layer ( 1 chlorine atom can break more than 1,000,000 ozone molecules, but 1 bromine atom is 40 times more damaging than 1 chlorine atom.)

Serious situation

The hole discovered this time is seven times the size of the previous hole discovered in Antarctica – a hole with an area of ​​over 24 million square kilometers (approximately the size of Russia and the United States combined). , it has existed since the 1980s until now, not cyclically opening and closing like the hole in the Antarctic, which is an extremely serious problem that worries experts.

After only a few years, the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has reached a record-breaking level. Photo: Science Alert.

With this important new discovery, however, scientists can assess changes in the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays and the effects it has on humans and ecosystems, as well as a ringing bell. alerting humanity to the awareness of the environment, with the natural life around us.

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