Cancer is very mysterious and scary and when infected, the mortality rate will be very high. But according to research, large animals almost do not suffer from this dangerous disease.

Giant animals don’t get cancer

In the process of researching and finding ways to destroy cancer, scientists have discovered a biological paradox that until now has no complete answer. Confusingly, large animals such as rhinos, elephants, etc. seem to be immune to cancer.

Elephants are virtually immune to cancer.

This is absurd because with large animals there will be more and larger number and size of cells; The metabolic processes in the body will take place faster and more complex. So there should be more “faulty” cells that develop into cancer, right? That is the Peto Paradox. One puzzling principle is that the older an animal is, the less likely it is to get cancer. Scientists think there are two main ways to explain the paradox: Evolution and Super Tumor.


Evolve or die from a tumor. From the very beginning to the present, animals have grown larger and larger, which means they have more and more cells and face a higher chance of getting cancer. So they’ve invested more and more in the fight against cancer.

Genes of giant animals are very special.

These are tumor suppressor genes. They will inhibit key mutations and kill cancer cells if they find that cells are no longer able to recover and extinguish the germ of cancer. Indeed, the more that gene is present in large animals, the greater the ability of larger animals to fight cancer cells.


It can be simply understood as a tumor of a tumor. Tumors are selfish people who steal energy and nutrients from the body to grow itself and grow into a giant tumor. And the tumor is a collection of mutated cells, so at some point, another mutated cell will be born, fight against the tumor and become a super tumor. They will fight with each other for energy and nutrients leading to exhaustion and killing of the original cancer cells.

These findings are being carefully studied by scientists so that they can be applied to the treatment of cancer in humans and hopefully in the near future, we will find solutions to these dreaded diseases. the greatest in human history

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