The Earth we live on is together with 7 other planets orbiting the central star, the Sun. They are divided into two categories: rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) and gas planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). When the Sun glows, it creates a cloud of matter. From this cloud, planets will form differently according to different conditions that have different properties.

Rocky planets

The necessary condition for a rocky planet to form is a material cloud of metals and rocks. As the cloud temperature drops, the elements begin to condense and form tiny mineral grains – the seeds of a rocky planet. Gradually they will stick to rocks and then to larger rocks. Eventually a large enough rock will create gravity that pulls in matter, and when it reaches the equivalent of 800km in diameter, gravity will do the work of kneading and creating spherical planets.

Once an early planet has formed, it continues to suck up the material around it. Each collision makes it hotter and then molten. Lighter substances begin to rise into a thin hard shell, heavier substances (mostly molten metals) sink and form an extremely dense core at the center of the planet. This layer of molten metal is constantly moving, creating a magnetic field that surrounds the planet.

Our Earth is a typical rocky planet.

Planets form more and more and they begin to enter turbulent times. They keep bumping into each other. The loser will be food for the surviving planets to grow so that they become bigger. The war is over, everything is left with only 4 very different rocky planets in the Solar System that have existed until now. During the later development of the Earth, an object crashed into the Earth causing the surrounding rock to fly away. That rock layer later gathered and formed the Moon today.

Gas planets

Even further, more than 800 million kilometers from the Sun, are giant planets made of gas. After the rocky planets were formed near the Sun, the dust consisting mainly of water vapor and the remaining gas would fly to the outside, frozen into particles. This outer space is so cold that the snow solidifies, and they coalesce to form a planetary core 10 times larger than Earth. This core creates a great gravitational force, sucking up all the surrounding gas, creating an extremely thick and floating atmosphere including Helium, Hydrogen, and Methane. The larger these planets, the stronger their gravitational pull and can suck up all the dust around them, forming their own satellites.

Jupiter and its beautiful ring.

The strong gravitational force creates the ring system that is characteristic of gas planets. However, most are too weak and dim, only Saturn is clear and beautiful. According to observations from the probes, inside each ring contains billions of pieces of ice and rock that rotate at speeds of up to 80,000 km/h. Scientists think that strange objects have crashed into the moons causing them to deviate from their orbits and get very close to the planets, and then the terrible gravity to tear the moons apart to form rocks. in rotation.
Gas planets also have magnetic fields like other rocky planets, even many times larger. Extreme heat and pressure change the structure of substances to make them metal, and motion causes convection currents, creating magnetic fields for gaseous planets.

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